PHP 8.0.0 Released
November 28th, 2020 / By Andrew Currie

November 28th, 2020 / By Andrew Currie
PHP 8 has arrived and was released on November 26th, 2020. This is a major update and it provides some exciting new features and optimizations.
Click the button below to download the first stable release, PHP 8.0.0. If you’re developing locally on a Mac you can install PHP 8.0.0 using the built-in recipe with Homebrew.
Before you begin be sure to update Homebrew first:
brew update
To install using the built-in PHP recipe, simply use the following:
brew update php
To install PHP 8.0.0 with support for other PHP versions tap the following recipe and install:
brew tap shivammathur/php
brew install shivammathur/php/php@8.0